Spin Coater
The spin coater can be used to create flat thin films with nanoscale thicknesses from the precursors of gels. The substrate can spin at high speed to evenly spread the coating material which was applied on the center of substrate.
Sonic Dismembrators with Sound Enclosure
The sonic dismembrator can be used for analysis and preparing sample in small sizes homogeneously.
3D Printer with Paste Extruder
The 3D printer can print with variable printing materials like clay, elastomers, conductive materials, and bio-materials including cellulose-based ones.
TCi Thermal Conductivity Analyzer
The thermal conductivity analyzer can measure the thermal conductivity and effusivity of materials. (From 0 to 500 W/mK in seconds)
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) can perform AC signal from 10 μHz to 2 MHz to characterize the impedance property of materials, with additional temperature monitoring.
pH Multimeter